Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Organize Your Life on TV's A Current Affair on Goal Setting
Organize Your Life on TV
Claire McFee of Organize Your Life was featured on A Current Affair again. This time on Goal setting with other Experts in their field such as Paul Clitheroe.
Watch the video on the A Current Affair Website to see the full story here -Expert Tips on Goal Setting
Till next time,
Claire McFee
Organize Your Life Household Organizer - Your Life in Lists
a current affair,
claire mcfee,
goal setting,
new year resolutions,
Organize Your Life,
paul clitheroe
Organize Your Life in Women's Health Magazine - Read Article Here
Organize Your Life Article on Time Management in Women's Health Magazine
Read Full article on time management 'Rewire your Time'
Also read about the lovely Paula Rizzo from who is also interviewed in the Magazine spread. Paula Rizzo has great List Making ideas over at her website so check it out now!
Till next time Claire McFee
Organize Your Life Household Organizer
Friday, 30 December 2011
Organize Your Life on A Current Affair TV Show again!
Organize Your Life on A Current Affair Again!!
If you want to catch us on Channel Nine's A Current Affair keep an eye out this week.
A Current Affair TV Show Topic - New Years Goals Tips
Here's an article with New Years Resolutions / Goal Tips Below
We are off on a family holiday for a month so will be doing minimal work during that time. So I'm sure you'll understand if there aren't any Organize Your Life Posts for a while! Happy holidays.
Here's to a wonderful 2012 with less mess, stress and more fun and happiness.
Til next time,
Claire McFee and the Organize Your Life Team
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System - Your Life in Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
1. Get clear on your Goals
If you want to catch us on Channel Nine's A Current Affair keep an eye out this week.
A Current Affair TV Show Topic - New Years Goals Tips
Here's an article with New Years Resolutions / Goal Tips Below
We are off on a family holiday for a month so will be doing minimal work during that time. So I'm sure you'll understand if there aren't any Organize Your Life Posts for a while! Happy holidays.
Here's to a wonderful 2012 with less mess, stress and more fun and happiness.
Til next time,
Claire McFee and the Organize Your Life Team
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System - Your Life in Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
How To Avoid Disappointment with your New Year’s Goals and set yourself
up for success!
by Claire McFee
One of the main reasons that so many
people are unable to stick to their New Year's Resolutions every year, is
because they try to achieve too much, too soon and because they do not break
their goals down. Something that may help you to achieve your New Years
Goals is putting them off until after January all together. Considering what a
busy time of year it is, delaying your action plan can help ensure better
results. This way, you can relax and enjoy some time with family and friends
without feeling guilty about it. This will also help prevent you from feeling
like you're behind before you have even started. Once you put
pen to paper and get your mind in gear to take action on your goals then here
are some tips on how to help make your resolutions a reality, not just a
thought in you head.
1. Get clear on your Goals
Pick a
maximum of five areas you would like to work on in your life. Be it at home/ in the garden/ at work/ to do
with the children/ your partner etc, and write them down on an Action Sheet for the year.
2. Clearly write your goals down of course!
2. Clearly write your goals down of course!
Get a piece
of paper for each statement with its own heading and break it down into several
steps of what you need to do to make it happen. Prioritise which items you need
to address first – with the good old 1,2,3 or A, B, C Remember you need to
focus on one job at a time, or you risk losing focus and putting it in the 'too
hard' basket.
3. Find a good ‘home’
for your Goal Lists/Plans
Put these pieces of paper into the appropriate
section of your Organizer/Diary. If you do not have one, it's a must to invest
in something that can house such lists. Without one you will end up with scraps
of paper all over the place, and this will stress you out and prevent you from
reaching your goals.
4. Read and take action on your
Goal Plan
Refer to your Goals
list/s regularly, (daily/weekly/monthly - what ever suits you
best), ticking off what you do as you go. The more ticks on the page the
5. Re-do your Goal Action sheet regularly
5. Re-do your Goal Action sheet regularly
As you tick off
items on your Goals Sheet the page may start to fill up and become a bit of a
mess. When this happens simply transfer the incomplete jobs onto the other side
of the page or onto a fresh page until all the jobs have been marked off.
6. Set Realistic Goal Timelines
6. Set Realistic Goal Timelines
Be realistic about the timelines you
set for your Goals - (to be written at the top of each page also). Estimate how
long you think it will take you to complete and then double it! This will be
more accurate and the good thing is if you do happen to get the job/so done
before your timeline is up, you will feel even better about tackling the next
job, rather than beat yourself up for not getting it done quickly enough.
This New Year
(delaying) Goals setting strategy works a treat for me and countless others so
why not cut yourself some slack and give it a try too? Good luck and Happy New Year’s!
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Organize Your Life in Women's Health Magazine on Time Management
Australia Women's Health Magazine Article
Organize Your Life was featured in this month's issue of Women's Health Magazine about finding more time for you in 2012.
One of the other ladies interviewed - Paula Rizzo - has her own popular website - -sharing lots of free lists / list making tips.
As Paula says in the article 'Once something is written down it becomes a goal and serves as a map to get you to your desired outcome...' Paula is and award winning Senior Health Producer at Fox News and says she attributes much of her success to her compulsive list making. go check her out -she clearly knows what she's talking about!
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizer - Your Life In Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Organize Your Life was featured in this month's issue of Women's Health Magazine about finding more time for you in 2012.
One of the other ladies interviewed - Paula Rizzo - has her own popular website - -sharing lots of free lists / list making tips.
As Paula says in the article 'Once something is written down it becomes a goal and serves as a map to get you to your desired outcome...' Paula is and award winning Senior Health Producer at Fox News and says she attributes much of her success to her compulsive list making. go check her out -she clearly knows what she's talking about!
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizer - Your Life In Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Christmas Book Giveaway! Reality Slap, When Happiness is Not Enough and CoolMind
Mega Christmas Book Giveaway 3 Free Books up for Grabs
To enter simply sign up to my newsletter to get the info you need.
Hurry entries close 9th Dec 2011
I have been busy reviewing these uplifting and informative books to share with you and decided, like last year, to do a bumper Book competition giveaway to three lucky readers. Here are my reviews below to give you an idea of which ones you want to go into the draw for. If you like them all you can put in an entry for all. EASY! Chris Skellet and best selling Author Russ Harris have both appeared on TV sharing their vast knowledge with viewers. Here is a link to an appearance Chris Skellet had on The Morning Show recently. Scroll to the bottom of the page and it's under Media. :)
Claire McFee Organize Your Life
When Happiness is not Enough by Psychologist Chris Skellett
'Chris skilfully explains happiness is achieved through a balance of achievement and pleasure and most importantly how to go about getting it. If your life feels out of kilter, you will benefit greatly from learning the specific areas to focus on to regain equilibrium, whether it is in your professional or personal relationships. You will understand yourself, not to mention others with much more clarity, enabling a positive shift to occur." Claire McFee Organize Your Life
Coolmind by David Keefe
'Coolmind is written in the perfect way to reach younger people and to teach them about the ease with which you can factor his great stress reducing techniques into your life. After all, the earlier we learn how to do that to keep up the better in our fast paced world."
Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life
Till next time,
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System
Author Organize Your Health & Wellbeing Naturally
To enter simply sign up to my newsletter to get the info you need.
Hurry entries close 9th Dec 2011
I have been busy reviewing these uplifting and informative books to share with you and decided, like last year, to do a bumper Book competition giveaway to three lucky readers. Here are my reviews below to give you an idea of which ones you want to go into the draw for. If you like them all you can put in an entry for all. EASY! Chris Skellet and best selling Author Russ Harris have both appeared on TV sharing their vast knowledge with viewers. Here is a link to an appearance Chris Skellet had on The Morning Show recently. Scroll to the bottom of the page and it's under Media. :)
The Reality Slap by Dr. Russ. Harris
"Profoundly helpful, straight talking advice, directing us to
the inner resources we all have to be able to face, deal with and successfully
move on from life's challenges." Claire McFee Organize Your Life
When Happiness is not Enough by Psychologist Chris Skellett
'Chris skilfully explains happiness is achieved through a balance of achievement and pleasure and most importantly how to go about getting it. If your life feels out of kilter, you will benefit greatly from learning the specific areas to focus on to regain equilibrium, whether it is in your professional or personal relationships. You will understand yourself, not to mention others with much more clarity, enabling a positive shift to occur." Claire McFee Organize Your Life
Coolmind by David Keefe
'Coolmind is written in the perfect way to reach younger people and to teach them about the ease with which you can factor his great stress reducing techniques into your life. After all, the earlier we learn how to do that to keep up the better in our fast paced world."
Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life
See our new
website books review page for lots more reviews and to even order your own
Till next time,
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System
Author Organize Your Health & Wellbeing Naturally
Friday, 25 November 2011
Watch my latest video to hear about the great books we have for our
BIG Christmas Book giveaway!
3 Free Books you will be sure to love just in time for Christmas.
Best of luck!
Claire McFee Organize Your Life
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Hormone problems? Could be Estrogen Dominance making your tierd and overwhelmed

Having recovered from depression using various little known
natural modalities, I have so much to share with you in my new 33,000+ word eBook chock a block full of info you've never heard of that could help you too.
I cover heaps of
important topics such as 'Estrogen Dominance' - a hormone imbalnce problem many women have (and some men) without even realizing it. I know I hadn't heard of such a thing. Even if you aren't
depressed/have depression, what I share may still be very helpful to you if you are constantly
tired or overwhelmed.
Estrogen Dominance - Hormones Awry?
Our hormones are very delicate and they can cause all sorts of health issues if left unattended. Many of us are
low in progesterone and therefore estrogen dominant. This can cause all manner
of health problems, physical and psychological.
many of us (me included) have had a blood test to ascertain if our hormone
levels are in the normal range and are told we are fine, only to find out
that in fact they are not normal and are a major reason for the symptoms you
may be experiencing -such as lethargy and mood swings and depression. The
reason many people get a false reading is that a blood test does not adequately
give you the results you are looking for. A saliva test is far more accurate.
Alternatively a visit to a naturopath with a Vega testing machine
or a Kinesiologist - trained to conduct very accurate muscle testing to
diagnose this and many other issues. This one discovery, proper diagnosis
and the subsequent simple, natural remedy changed my life enormously.
Among other things, you can learn more about some of the main causes of estrogen dominance in our modern society and what we can do about it in my new eBook for only $14 Introductory Price
Sign up to our newsletter at our website to get your Free chapter of my new eBook -Organize Your health and Wellbeing naturally to read more about the topics covered that could turn your life around as they did mine.
You can also check out my You Tube videos on the topic of Depression / Hormone Imblanace / Estrogen Domiance / Mind Body Medicine and everything to do with organization here - with more than 60 videos and over 30,000 views.
Till next time
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Till next time
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Easily Overwhelmed? Highly Sensititve Person Perhaps?
Here is another chapter snap shop for my new eBook Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally about having a highly sensitive nervous system putting you in the Category of
a 'Highly Sensitive Person' (H.S.P for short). I was and didn't know it for years!
"Organize Your Health & Wellbeing Naturally is a must read for anyone struggling with their current state of being. Claire McFee writes in an honest, uplifting, intelligent way and shares her research and journey about thriving and becoming your best possible self. Avenues for change include focusing on issues like gratitude, goal setting, relationships, naturopathy and organizing. She takes a wonderfully human approach to living which will surely inspire you." Linda Samuel's, CPO-CD - Professional Organizer & Author of The Other Side of Organized
Looking at the
personality type known as the 'Highly Sensitive Person' (H.S.P) is also another
interesting topic that will explain a lot to a vast number of you. If you feel
overwhelmed by the pace of life; If you can't help taking other people's
comments to heart; if you analyse things over and over; if you are tired a lot of
the time by the (seemingly normal) amount of stimulation in your life; if your
senses seem over active -i.e.; loud noises affect your more than the average
person/strong odours really affect you etc - then you may well be a H.S.P like
When I read a
fabulous book on the topic the penny really dropped. Everything about me and my
life started to make sense. Apparently 15-20% of the population is
categorized as a H.S.P. and many of the rest of the population have many H.S.P
traits they can relate to of course as well. Understanding more about this
trait and how we don't need to be 'fixed' we just need to learn how to modify
our environment slightly. Simply seeing that there are many great qualities as
an H.S.P is enough to stop beating yourself up for something you may have been
told was a negative personality trait since you were young, adversely affecting
your self image. As one customer emailed me after reading the eBook said:-
'Your eBook is so good - well done. I discovered I'm a HSP!!!! I didn't even know what it was till I read your book and it was like a light bulb coming on....' Jo, New Zealand
To get your Free Chapter Now and find out more
about this and all of the other topics in the eBook go to our website and sign up to our Newsletter..
eBook aailable for only
$14! With over 33,000 words - chock full of great advice and 40
recommended resources for you to learn even more.
till next time,
Claire McFee
Creator organize Your Life Household Organizers
Author Organize YOur health and Wellbeing Naturally
Monday, 7 November 2011
Motivating Mum Alli Price on The Circle !
How exciting for my fellow Expert Panelist on Toddlers to Teens TV, Alli Price from Motivating Mum. Alli founded Motivating Mum while living in the UK and has helped countless mothers - particularly those that run business from home. Alli knows what it's like, and can relate and has lots of advice and tips to help you de-stress and connect you with the right people to help you on your journey.
Motivating mum has an active forum where you can connect with other mums and heaps more info on her website
Alli Price from Motivating Mum is even going to be featured on Channel Ten's the Circle soon - air date set for the 14th Nov. The Circle crew went to Alli's home to film what she does as a SAHM. If you can't watch the episode simply watch it online afterwards!
Go Alli!
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizer -Your Life In Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Brand New Organize Your Life Website & eBook with great new offers!

Having experienced depression and not finding any success with mainstream medical treatment I went down the natural preventative health path and haven't looked back. If only a book like this was available all those years ago a lot of angst and heart ache could have been avoided.
We have some amazing introductory offers so head on over to our new Organize Your Life Website and check out the details via the link below.
Happy organizing,
Claire McFee
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizer
Speaker, Writer, Documentary Maker
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Join the 'I'm Glad' Facebook Fan Page and share some positive thoughts.
My Author friend Cathy Phelan who has written the 'I'm Glad' Series of children's books - such as 'I'm glad' you're my Mum, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, teacher etc, has stated up a lovely 'I'm glad' FaceBook Fan Page to share lots of 'I'm glad' Love around the net.
I know she would really love to have you 'like' her page and share what makes you glad like I have.
Thanks. We can all do with more positivity in our lives - and it even helps us be more organized by being happier and more likely to get on with it. I had to mention that of course!!
Till next time,
Claire McFee
I know she would really love to have you 'like' her page and share what makes you glad like I have.
Thanks. We can all do with more positivity in our lives - and it even helps us be more organized by being happier and more likely to get on with it. I had to mention that of course!!
Till next time,
Claire McFee
Monday, 29 August 2011
Thanks for the great endorsement from fellow Author Elke Emerald!
Wow just got this unsolicited review from the inspirational Elke Emerald - Author, University Lecturer, Life Coach to name a few. Thanks Elke!
" At a recent Hay House writer’s workshop, in a room of 600 people, I was blessed to ‘happen’ to sit next to Claire McFee of Organize Your Life.
Claire is a talented and energetic mother, wife and business woman. With the arrival of her first child, she perceived the need for more organization in her life. And so was conceived Organise Your Life.
If you are a busy, multifaceted, multifunctioning modern person (find me one who isn’t) the Organize Your Life system may well be a real support for you. Claire has thought of everything: Organizers include Self, Home, Money and Family. Each of these Organizers creates a space for you to consider and record everything from your bank account details and tax records, your holiday plans and sports commitments, to your dream diary and personal goals! Each is a digital document that you can write in and leave in electronic format, or print out for a folder or to stick on the fridge. Claire’s organizers include lots of tips for getting your life together, and there is also a newsletter you can sign up to for more great ideas.
The Organizers will take you a little effort to get set up as you’ll be entering a lot of detail to get started. But once it’s done, it’s done! And like anything – the beauty is in the using – once you are using the Organizers you’ll have all your information and plans and obligations, responsibilities, ideas, dreams, goals … all together and readily accessible. So rather than search through 20 different books and folders and documents and bits of paper with important dates and notes, you’ll have it all together. And rather than losing sight of your treasured goals, ideas and projects, you’ll have a reminder right here. There is even a Gratitude Journal, Affirmations page and a page to note down compliments you have been given!
I encourage you to take a close look at Claire’s Organizers."
Elke Emerald
For more information got to Elke's website for some Free Meditaiton downloads to get you started on a clamer path.
Elke has a long commitment to enabling others to find their direction and strength in life. She has taught in primary schools, technical colleges (TAFE) and University and has had a long career as a scholar and researcher in education. Elke brings rich life experience and a wide variety of skills and insights to her coaching and mentoring. elke’s qualifications include:
o PhD in Education
o Certificate IV in Life Coaching and Mentoring
o Graduate Certificate in Adult Education
o Reiki Master and Teacher
elke emerald,
elke inndigo,
free how to get organized interview,
life coach,
life coaching,
organizer review,
Friday, 26 August 2011
Free chapter and 5 Free copies of the Whole Book: Pink Shoe Power Time Management Styles
Plus enter this Month's Newsletter Book competition for your chance to win 1 of 5 copies!!
As our readers know, we only recommend high quality products and the 'Pink Shoe Power' Time Management Style book is right up there. In fact here is my review I recently did for the book.
'Without a doubt the best book I have seen highlighting how we can manage our time-and our lives-far more effectively by recognising our individuality. Even better, the breakthrough approach makes saving time simpler and fun. All the useful strategies to deal with the different Time Management Styles are clearly spelt out in easy-to-understand language. You will undoubtedly be able to put the right foot forward to achieve success following this advice!'
It's wonderful to learn about our different personality types in relation to getting organized and managing our time better - with real advice on how to strengthen our strengths and lessen our weaknesses. So sign up to our newsletter now for your chance to win 1 of 5 copies NOW and also go over to their website here:- to get your free chapter & find out more about your Time Management Style
Happy organizing and best of luck.
Claire McFee Author and Creator
Organize Your Life Organizers
Organize Your Life Organizers
free book,
free book chapter,
pink shoe power,
pink shoe time management,
time management,
Thursday, 18 August 2011
Father's Day Book Competition win '30 things my Dad taught me'
We have a wonderful Book competition for Father's Day. You can win a copy of the beautifully written '30 things my Dad taught me' by Ian, Paul and Denis Baker
Here is my review:-
T enter the competition simply visit our facebookpage and make a comment with 30 Things in the post and invite your FB friends to visit our site, making sure to tell them to let us know you sent them. See you over there!
Till next time Happy Organizing,
Claire McFee
Author of the Orgnaize Your Life Household Organizer
Your Life in Lists!
Here is my review:-
‘30 Things My Dad Taught Me’ By Ian, Paul and Denis Baker
“Such a poignant book with many shared experiences we can all relate to with our own Dad’s enabling us to cherish these memories more. A great influence on our own parenting journey too because as Paul, Ian and Denis attest, it really DOES make a difference.”
Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life T enter the competition simply visit our facebookpage and make a comment with 30 Things in the post and invite your FB friends to visit our site, making sure to tell them to let us know you sent them. See you over there!
Till next time Happy Organizing,
Claire McFee
Author of the Orgnaize Your Life Household Organizer
Your Life in Lists!
30 things,
30 things my dad taught me,
free book,
free book competition,
freebies. book comp
Friday, 29 July 2011
Book Competition: 'Secret Women's Business' by Patsy Rowe
This month we are honoured to have well known Author Patsy Rowe share her advice with us. Patsy Rowe is a highly sought after Speaker and Author with many books to her name. Patsy has kindly offered one of her books for this month's book competition so get organized to get those entries in. We have some favourite website organizing articles if you need more tips to regain control of your life as well. Remember to breathe, baby steps will get you there!!
We also have an excerpt from Patsy's book in our latest Newsletter: 'Ten Tips for Taking the Mania out of Motherhood' which is well worth a read.
Sign up for our Newsletter for details on how to enter at
Here's my review of 'Secret Women's Business'
"Countless women will vastly expand their understanding of themselves through the many stages of their lives in the knowledge they are not alone. As Patsy Rowe so clearly demonstrates - we are all connected via our collective experience as women, mothers, daughters and partners in this extremely well- researched book." Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life
Patsy Rowe Bio:- After building her own home and taking on the role of site supervisor, Patsy wrote a light-hearted satire on the building industry, No Sweat, Not to Worry, She'll be Jake. The book became a best seller and was followed by 9 other books. Patsy was invited by the Minister of Consumer Affairs to join the Board of the Building Services Corporation where she was the first woman ever appointed to sit as a judge hearing cases against builders who over-charged or refused to complete a contract. Patsy now travels extensively speaking at more than 100 corporate engagements a year and regularly appears on Sixty Minutes, Today Tonight, Sunrise, A Current Affair and the Today Show.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally - 'Outsmart your Cancer'
Organize Your Health and Wellbeing
with 'Outsmart Your Cancer'
I just had to share details of this amazing book with you I recently found. Although specifically to do with fighting Cancer naturally there is a lot of very important information related to health and wellness generally that we could ALL benefit from.
For example, I used to be Estrogen Dominant, which in large part caused symptoms including depression and was undiagnosed for many years - even with a blood test at the doctors -(turns out a saliva test is much more accurate or muscle testing as I used with a trained therapist.) This condition, how it is caused and how you can rectify it are outlined in the book and is a must-read for all women whether you are pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal or post-menopausal. Many men are also Estrogen Dominant due to preventable lifestyle factors, which are also addressed.
As many of you would already know it's almost impossible to get on top of your life when you feel overwhelmed let alone depressed - and good organization can feel like a pipe dream. But taking an organized approach to your health and wellbeing can positively effect all other aspects of your life and arming yourself with knowledge is a very powerful way to do this. Bottom line is we need to be proactive in our health and this book is the perfect place to start empowering ourselves with better knowledge.
I have shared this with my family and friends and am sure you will want to too. Read the free Chapter in Amazon to get a feel of the quality of the book. You won't be disappointed. Best money I've ever spent and that's saying something!
Please share this invaluable information with your loved ones. They will forever be grateful.
with 'Outsmart Your Cancer'
I just had to share details of this amazing book with you I recently found. Although specifically to do with fighting Cancer naturally there is a lot of very important information related to health and wellness generally that we could ALL benefit from.
For example, I used to be Estrogen Dominant, which in large part caused symptoms including depression and was undiagnosed for many years - even with a blood test at the doctors -(turns out a saliva test is much more accurate or muscle testing as I used with a trained therapist.) This condition, how it is caused and how you can rectify it are outlined in the book and is a must-read for all women whether you are pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal or post-menopausal. Many men are also Estrogen Dominant due to preventable lifestyle factors, which are also addressed.
As many of you would already know it's almost impossible to get on top of your life when you feel overwhelmed let alone depressed - and good organization can feel like a pipe dream. But taking an organized approach to your health and wellbeing can positively effect all other aspects of your life and arming yourself with knowledge is a very powerful way to do this. Bottom line is we need to be proactive in our health and this book is the perfect place to start empowering ourselves with better knowledge.
I have shared this with my family and friends and am sure you will want to too. Read the free Chapter in Amazon to get a feel of the quality of the book. You won't be disappointed. Best money I've ever spent and that's saying something!
Please share this invaluable information with your loved ones. They will forever be grateful.
estrogen inbalance,
estrogen problems,
natural cancer cures,
natural cancer remedies,
outsmart your cancer
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Mind Body Medicine Depression Documentary & review of 'The brian that changes itself'

Understanding the lows of Depression and learning how to overcome it naturally, Claire is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others and is also in the process of writing a book on the topic. If you have any natural strategies to share / would like tho share your natural health story of recovery (particularly mental health) Claire would love to hear from you. Email info @
Claire has review a wonderful book which highlights just how much influence we have over our brains and the way we think. A very insightful book worth a read to learn how to reach your potential!
Review of 'The Brain the Changes Itself' by Norman Doidge
"A fabulous book that highlights the ability for us to change our brain and the way it thinks is 'The Brain that changes itself' by Norman Doidge. It is a fascinating book with current info about the mind-blowing potential of the human mind - that everyone should read to empower themselves and their lives. It is a life changing book worth reading. There's heaps of case studies in 'The brain that changes itself' which make the book really relatable and enjoyable." by Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life
Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you.
Claire McFee
anxiety and depression,
mind body connection,
mind body medicine,
natural depression remedies,
norman doidge,
the brain that changes itself
Thursday, 30 June 2011
I keep hearing about 'Planning with Kids' by Nicole Avery
'Planning with Kids' by Nicole Avery.
I keep hearing about Nicole Avery aall over the internet and her book 'Planning with kids.' Nicole is highly regarded in her field and has countless de-stressed followers.
Here is a description of the helpful book Via Amazon:-
I keep hearing about Nicole Avery aall over the internet and her book 'Planning with kids.' Nicole is highly regarded in her field and has countless de-stressed followers.
Here is a description of the helpful book Via Amazon:-
'Planning with Kids' Product Description
Calling all parents who STRESS on school mornings, cringe at the thought of cleaning or have mealtime meltdowns...this book is for you!
Family life can be chaotic — whether you have one child or five. No-one knows this better than 'Nicole Avery', mum of five, blogger extraordinaire and lover of spreadsheets. Nicole has discovered the secret to taking the stress out of parenting and running a household: a little bit of planning can leave you with more time to have fun!
Planning with Kids will show you how to:
So worth a look I'd say. :)
Till next time.
Happy organizing,
Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life Household Organizers
Family life can be chaotic — whether you have one child or five. No-one knows this better than 'Nicole Avery', mum of five, blogger extraordinaire and lover of spreadsheets. Nicole has discovered the secret to taking the stress out of parenting and running a household: a little bit of planning can leave you with more time to have fun!
Planning with Kids will show you how to:
- plan a month's worth of evening meals in less than an hour
- use routines to make mornings manageable, evenings easier and 'me time' a reality
- organise your kids and partner to share in the housework without you nagging.
So worth a look I'd say. :)
Till next time.
Happy organizing,
Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life Household Organizers
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Organize Your Petrol Purchases to {Save on Petrol!}
I never thought I'd be writing an article on Organizing anything to do with petrol but hey it's part of our lives and that's what I aim to help you with - all sort of things to do with your LIFE - not just how to de-clutter and organize your house. :)
A friend just emailed me this and I thought it was really fascinating. Can't hurt to take the advise into account to save money at the bowser. I am going to apply these Petrol Saving tips that's for sure. More money in your pocket is always better than someone else's.
A friend just emailed me this and I thought it was really fascinating. Can't hurt to take the advise into account to save money at the bowser. I am going to apply these Petrol Saving tips that's for sure. More money in your pocket is always better than someone else's.
I don't know what you guys are paying for Petrol.... but here inMelbourne we are paying up to $1.30 to $1.50 per litre.
I don't know what you guys are paying for Petrol.... but here in
My line of work is in petroleum for about 31 years now, so here are some tricks to get more of your money's worth for every Litre: Here at the Shell Pipeline where I work in Melbourne , we deliver about 4 million litres in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline..
One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel, and Petrol, regular and premium grades. We have 34-storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 Litres.
Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground.
Only buy or fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground.
The colder the ground the more dense the Petrol, when it gets warmer Petrol expands, sobuying in the afternoon, or in the evening....your litre is not exactly a litre.In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the Petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role. A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.
When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode.If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping.
All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to fill up when your Petrol tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more Petrol you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Petrololine evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petrol storage tanks have an internal floating roof.This roof serves as zero clearance between the Petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation.
When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode.If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping.
All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to fill up when your Petrol tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more Petrol you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Petrololine evaporates faster than you can imagine. Petrol storage tanks have an internal floating roof.This roof serves as zero clearance between the Petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation.
Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact amount.
Another reminder, if there is a Petrol truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy Petrol, DO NOT fill up; as most likely the Petrol is being stirred up as the Petrol is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Please pass on to your family and friends. :)
Another reminder, if there is a Petrol truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy Petrol, DO NOT fill up; as most likely the Petrol is being stirred up as the Petrol is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.
Please pass on to your family and friends. :)
Claire McFee
Author Organize Your Life Household and Personal Organizers
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Ever wondered about Traditional Aboriginal Culture and 'Women's Business?"
"Under the quandong tree"
by Minmia
Two gorgeous friends of mine - both gifted healers recommended this book to me recently. I trust their opinion explicitly so I promptly bought the book.
I don't know about you but I have often thought about aboriginal culture and what a detrimental effect we as white settlers have had on their connection to earth, themselves sand each other. I was not taught much at school - certainly not anything that showed due respect for their ways or how the Aboriginal way of life and their respect for mother nature could actually improve our lives too. Well 'Under the Quandong Tree' filled in so many gaps in my knowledge and then some. So much so, I think it should be part of every school curriculum so that Australians know more about this countries amazing FULL history. It is a topic we should all take responsibility for to educate ourselves and our children about. Do you know the difference between 'womens' business', 'men's business' and 'our business'. If not perhaps it's time you did?
Minmia is a very talented author who draws you in to the ways of her people. Thank you Minmia for sharing your knowledge with us so that we may understand your culture better and ultimately have more compassion for one another and respect for the earth we inhabit.
Here is my review:
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizers
by Minmia
Two gorgeous friends of mine - both gifted healers recommended this book to me recently. I trust their opinion explicitly so I promptly bought the book.
I don't know about you but I have often thought about aboriginal culture and what a detrimental effect we as white settlers have had on their connection to earth, themselves sand each other. I was not taught much at school - certainly not anything that showed due respect for their ways or how the Aboriginal way of life and their respect for mother nature could actually improve our lives too. Well 'Under the Quandong Tree' filled in so many gaps in my knowledge and then some. So much so, I think it should be part of every school curriculum so that Australians know more about this countries amazing FULL history. It is a topic we should all take responsibility for to educate ourselves and our children about. Do you know the difference between 'womens' business', 'men's business' and 'our business'. If not perhaps it's time you did?
Minmia is a very talented author who draws you in to the ways of her people. Thank you Minmia for sharing your knowledge with us so that we may understand your culture better and ultimately have more compassion for one another and respect for the earth we inhabit.
Here is my review:
“Under the Quandong Tree explains so very much. My respect for Traditional Aboriginal Culture has deepened immensely having read this powerful book. I have been experiencing the ‘awakening’ discussed in the book and understand more about where it has come from and how to develop it further to help our Mother Earth – Nungeena –tya as well as others who have been spiritually asleep for so long. Faith and respect for life will triumph. Thank you for writing this wonderfully enlightening book Minmia. It is an honour that you have shared your sacred knowledge with others .” Claire McFee Author Organize Your Life
For more info go to
Till next time,For more info go to
Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizers
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