Friday, 30 December 2011

Organize Your Life on A Current Affair TV Show again!

Organize Your Life on A Current Affair Again!!

If you want to catch us on Channel Nine's A Current Affair keep an eye out this week.

A Current Affair TV Show Topic - New Years Goals Tips

Here's an article with New Years Resolutions / Goal Tips Below

We are off on a family holiday for a month so will be doing minimal work during that time. So I'm sure you'll understand if there aren't any Organize Your Life Posts for a while! Happy holidays.

Here's to a wonderful 2012 with less mess, stress and more fun and happiness.

Til next time,

Claire McFee and the Organize Your Life Team
Creator Organize Your Life Household Filing System - Your Life in Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally


How To Avoid Disappointment with your New Year’s Goals and set yourself up for success!

by Claire McFee

One of the main reasons that so many people are unable to stick to their New Year's Resolutions every year, is because they try to achieve too much, too soon and because they do not break their goals down. Something that may help you to achieve your New Years Goals is putting them off until after January all together. Considering what a busy time of year it is, delaying your action plan can help ensure better results. This way, you can relax and enjoy some time with family and friends without feeling guilty about it. This will also help prevent you from feeling like you're behind before you have even started. Once you put pen to paper and get your mind in gear to take action on your goals then here are some tips on how to help make your resolutions a reality, not just a thought in you head. 

1. Get clear on your Goals

Pick a maximum of five areas you would like to work on in your life.  Be it at home/ in the garden/ at work/ to do with the children/ your partner etc, and write them down on an Action Sheet for the year.

2. Clearly write your goals down of course!

Get a piece of paper for each statement with its own heading and break it down into several steps of what you need to do to make it happen. Prioritise which items you need to address first – with the good old 1,2,3 or A, B, C Remember you need to focus on one job at a time, or you risk losing focus and putting it in the 'too hard' basket.

3. Find a good ‘home’ for your Goal Lists/Plans

Put these pieces of paper into the appropriate section of your Organizer/Diary. If you do not have one, it's a must to invest in something that can house such lists. Without one you will end up with scraps of paper all over the place, and this will stress you out and prevent you from reaching your goals.  

4. Read and take action on your Goal Plan

Refer to your Goals list/s regularly, (daily/weekly/monthly - what ever suits you best), ticking off what you do as you go. The more ticks on the page the better!

5. Re-do your Goal Action sheet regularly

As you tick off items on your Goals Sheet the page may start to fill up and become a bit of a mess. When this happens simply transfer the incomplete jobs onto the other side of the page or onto a fresh page until all the jobs have been marked off.

6. Set Realistic Goal Timelines

Be realistic about the timelines you set for your Goals - (to be written at the top of each page also). Estimate how long you think it will take you to complete and then double it! This will be more accurate and the good thing is if you do happen to get the job/so done before your timeline is up, you will feel even better about tackling the next job, rather than beat yourself up for not getting it done quickly enough.

This New Year (delaying) Goals setting strategy works a treat for me and countless others so why not cut yourself some slack and give it a try too?  Good luck and Happy New Year’s!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Organize Your Life in Women's Health Magazine on Time Management

Australia Women's Health Magazine Article

Organize Your Life was featured in this month's issue of  Women's Health Magazine about finding more time for you in 2012.

One of the other ladies interviewed - Paula Rizzo - has her own popular website - -sharing lots of free lists / list making tips.
 As Paula says in the article 'Once something is written down it becomes a goal and serves as a map to get you to your desired outcome...' Paula is and award winning Senior Health Producer at Fox News and says she attributes much of her success to her compulsive list making. go check her out -she clearly knows what she's talking about!

Claire McFee
Creator Organize Your Life Household Organizer - Your Life In Lists
Author Organize Your Health and Wellbeing Naturally