Tuesday 31 August 2010

Fight Procrastination Week...and check out Unclutterer

Fight Procrastination Week - coming up tomorrow for the first week of September
You can do it!! Plus check out the Unclutterer blog to help you too :)
(details below)

Most of us are guilty of it at least some of the time...Yes even someone like me in the Professional Organizing Industry! We're only human!

Even if you only get one thing off your to d list (whether it a list in your head or a proper written to do list!) doesn't matter just choose one thing..easy if it helps get you to do it, harder if you can manage it and know how good that will make you feel once accomplished.

If a voice inside your head keeps telling you to do it later, respond with a question like Why not now? Usually there is no good reason and it can help you change your attitude and mindset and therefore your motivation levels. give it a go. i dare You!!! We can beat procrastination, at least some of the time anyway. :)
Good luck

For thos ewho need more help, a great Organizing / declutter related blog with heaps more tips on getting and staying organized and clutter free, is the aptly titled Unclutterer check them out....NOW before you forget and start procrastinating!

Claire McFee Creator Organize Your Life Organizers

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