Thursday, 28 May 2009

Validation YouTube clip - Make a difference

This post has nothing to do with Organizing whatsoever but I think you will love it anyway! I found out about this brilliant YouTube Video called Validation that is absolutely heart warming, clever, funny and soooo worth watching. Go to and scroll down to the Make a Differecne post on May 1st at The Tall Poppy Blogsot and you will see what I mean. Have a great day!

Organize Your Life
related article; "Organize Yourself some Good Karma"

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Get organized to win some stuff!

Just a quick 'feel good' post to let you now about a great website that gives away stuff all the time! Everyone loves to get free 'stuff', inlcuding me! If you haven't heard of them -(they were featured on Ch7 Sunrise a while back), then hope on over to Business Mums Network to sign up for their regular giveaways.

This has to relate to being organized in some way of course, which is easy because if you aren't organized, you forget or don't find the time to do something like this, or even important tthings in your life.

Getting something for nothing may be just the incentive you need to 'find the time' in your busy life. Interesting that we can usually find the time to fit in new things when we choose to isn't it? Motivation plays a big part in being able to get and stay organized. Worth thinking about what your motivations are, to be able to give yourself a kick up the proverbial when you need to!

Monday, 18 May 2009

Depression and Anxiety Solution you may not have heard about it.

The reason I came up with the idea for Organize Your Life almost 10 years ago was to help me manage better after having my first child. I had experienced depression prior to having children, so I was concerned about getting Post Natal Depression. I knew being organized (or as much as you can be with a baby!) would help and it did.

Over the years I have leanred a lot about depression and how to best manage it and am passionate about helping others do the same. Many subscribers and customers have emailed me over the years telling me their 'before and after' overwhelmed/depression stories which inspires me to keep doing it.

I have found several really effective solutions to the depression I experienced that you probably haven't heard about. Sad but true. What is termed alternative, which is really just 'Natural Medicine' and was around for eons longer than Western Medicine has an enormous part to play in maintaining good mental health. In this modern age both have an important part to play. Don't get me wrong, I am not against anti-depressants, although I do think they are over-prescribed and not monitored closely sometimes enough by many doctors (who are overworked and not trained well enough in the area perhaps?)

Anti Depressants played an important role in my recovery, giving me enough space to feel moderately well, to be able to look into the real underlying cause of my depression and how to prevent or at least manage it better. Unfortunately for many, they have tried anti-depressants only to suffer from many side effects, rendering them unable to get any benefits and often more depression and anxiety about their future. It is certainly not a one size fits all solution.

One key thing I heave learned over the years in particular, is that we have way more control over our mind than we realize, but that most of us wouldn't have a clue how to. i know I was one of them. Good news is it can be learned and is profound once done. The 'Panic Away Program' is one such way learn how to do this. Mainstream Medicine is gradually seeing the evidence banking up, proving that the techniques covered in the Program are effective and most importantly work over the long term when used regularly.

I have made a short YouTube clip on this topic that may help you, so simply click on the links below to view and hopefully there will be one or more depression strategies that may work for you if you are in this situation.
I am so impressed by the program that I am personally endorsing it. To find out more go to

We are actually offering our Self e-Organizer for free to anyone who purchases the Panic Away Program through us plus lots of other bonuses.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Organize Yourself to Participate in a huge Motherhood Study

Heard about best selling book "You Sexy Mother" by Jodie Hedley Ward? I read it several months ago and was thoroughly impressed by the insightful content. What is even better is that Jodie, along with Dr.Angela Huntsman from a QLD University are spearheading a massive new Study on women and motherhood. to find out more follow this link.

There is expected to be approx 10,000 paricipants in the study and I highly recommend you let your voice be heard and be one of them. If we want our roles as mothers understood and respected more then this is one important was we can change attitudes and ultimately policy. the Study is being launched tommorow to coincide with Mother's Day.

In the longer term this can help with feeling more in control of our lives and having more choices - which of course makes us better able to keep on top of our day to day lives and maintain good organiziation at home, at work, as a Mum - the list goes on. It's all connected!

Happy Mother's day from us at Organize Your Life!

Putting yourself into the equation when it comes to your life is important - if you want to read more on this topic then read on:-

How to put yourself back into the equation for more 'Me-Time'
by Claire McFee

Many people I talk to, particularly those with children, say they have come to the point where they rarely have any time for themselves, and are at their Wit's End, desperate for some 'Me Time'. What's worse is that if they do find some time just for them, they feel guilty using it! So let's look at why it is important to look at your time -management to slowly but surely factor in some personal development for you to grow into the person you have the potential to become.

Me Time
To be able to happily have some 'me time' for yourself, you need to be at a point in your life where you can do this without feeling guilty about it, by realizing that it is better for everyone -definitely not just you! We should all have our personal self improvement factored into our lives so we can grow and learn and not become stagnant along the way - which is of grave risk of happening if you do not look at time management and how you can improve this as you (and your family) go through all your life stages.

Not there yet?
If you are not in a place where you could possibly imagine having me time let alone family or couple time at this point, and have no idea of how to get there, then you more than likely need to sort out your home affairs! Once you do this, you will then be in the right frame of mind to change your way of thinking about using some of your saved time as 'me time' and not seeing this wrongly as a selfish thing to do. This is a must if you are serious about your long-term happiness.

We are all Busy, so...
Even if you are the busiest person on earth, I know you can find a spare 10 minutes here and there. That's all you need to start with. Even if it's a short break to have a bath without interruption, or going out to have a coffee with a friend - (without the kids) - now and again. It is important to try hard to schedule this sort of thing into your timetable, by improving your time management even if you think you are too busy to manage it. Doing 'like' jobs and chores are a great way to start doing this.

Things have changed
Many of us have been brought up to think that once you settle down and have children, that you should put your own needs last and that anything like 'me time' is sacrilegious! You will be happy to know that this is not true and in fact is counter-productive to you and your family's happiness. If you do, you will end up resenting your family for the gradual loss of 'yourself' and as a result, you will not be as good a partner or mother. So with this knowledge in mind, firstly give yourself permission to do what you want to do sometimes, not always what everyone else wants to do. They will survive and even better - will also be happier for it, learning important life skills about time managements and the importance of constantly factoring self improvement! during their lifetime.

Time flies
Don't make the mistake of leaving it too late to regularly find 'me time' for yourself, falsely thinking - "It's just for a few years while the kids are young", because before you know, it will feel normal not, not just to yourself, but to your partner and children, and it will therefore be that much harder to make the necessary changes down the track. this is a lose/lose situation where no one's development is furthered.

Stop making excuses!
For those of you who have lost someone close unexpectedly, the harsh reality is that we do not know when our number is up - it could be tomorrow, so don't put it off for one day longer. It's often just a matter of stopping thinking about doing it and doing it when you think about it. No more..'I'll do it later.' That is really bad time management...So make an effort to catch yourself and see how much more you get done.

Be a good role model
In amongst all of this, it is a good opportunity to teach our children that you do not exist just to serve/take care of them, and that your needs are important too. Teach them that being a 'family' is all about 'teamwork’ and truly happy families (yes they do exist!) function with this philosophy. This doesn't have to be an unrealistic pipe dream. Self development isn't a 'new age' fanciful term, but a real need, that when fulfilled creates well balanced human beings able to engage with others on a small and big scale in a much more effortless way.

Slowly but surely
Once you gradually factor yourself into your family's routine and the rest of the family get used to it, you will then have the necessary head space and extra energy to make this a long term lifestyle change. Say it over and over if you need to every day, "I deserve and will make more me-time."

Accept that no-one else is going to do it for you so take charge of your own life using efficient time management practices (found all over this website) and then do it. Good luck!