Tuesday, 31 March 2009

World Prayer Day 2009

I attended my first World Prayer Day this year at our local Catholic Church, where our two other church parishioners attended as well. Although 'busy' like everybody else I organized my schedule so that I could attend and am certainly glad I did so.

I did not go to church as a child and am non-denominational, so it was all quite new to me. I love the concept of countless people all praying for the same thing. Every year they pray for a specific country and their needs. This year it was Paupa New Guinea and we heard about some recent efforts of a local Rotary Club that had gone over to help with one of the hospitals there.

Knowing that there are studies that have been conducted with thousands of participants, whereby they have prayed for the one area at the one time , which has led to a 25% decrease in crime - for example in New York - is amazing and exciting. It certainly can't hurt, so why don't you give it a try next year. I know I will. It was lovely to connect with other locals, particularly the older generation to show them that we do care. Having a cup of tea afterwards and learning about them and their lives was an important aspect of the day as well.

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