Monday 8 November 2010

True Blue Organizing Guru The Fly Lady

The Fly Lady Organzing Tips - No 1 Clean and Shine Your Kitchen Sink!

I want to let you know about a brilliant organizing website that I found about ten years ago when conducting research for my Organize Your Life Household Organizer. Fly Lady aka Marla Cilley - has a gazzilllion organizing tips to help you get organized once and for all. Fly lady breaks down all the household chores we have to attend to and sends regular email alerts to help remind you what needs to be done and importantly giving you motivation and support that you are not alone and you can do it. Breaking things down into baby steps is the key and repeating new chores so that they can become habits we tend to automatically that are so much easier to do in the process.

One of the first things FlyLady suggests you do to tackle your clutter and organizing routines is to shine and clean your kitchen sink. Some may laugh and say what difference will that make to an organized and productive day? Believe me it has a very powerful effect. It makes sense when you think about the whole notion of a cluttered environment creates a cluttered mind.

Walking into your kitchen and knowing it is clean and it even shining back at you can really help you feel less overwhelmed so you can get on with the rest of your day in a more productive way.

There is a YouTube video from the Flylady about the benefits of a Shiny Sink which you can view and I am also about to post one -giving credit to Flylady for helping me on my journey in to the professional Organizing Industry all those years ago. Thanks Flylady!

Claire McFee Author and Creator Organize Your Life Organizers

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