Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Forget New Years Resolutions and get ready for some Great 2010 Goals Now

Well we are nearly at the end of January, with Summer School holidays coming to an end here in Australia. After over a month already I am ready to get back into my normal routine - and not feel torn between work and the kids. It's been a great summer holiday but my thoughts are starting to focus more on the year ahead and what I want from it and what action i need to take to achieve those goals! That of course means getting these Goals 'down on paper' as they say - even though these days that just as often means typing into a computer file!

As I've said for years - New Years Resolutions invariably don't work due to the craziness of that time of year and holding off till February to get your goals happening is way more realistic and therefore achievable.

My goals have to do with streamlining the business further; outsourcing more; getting great new publicity for Organize Your Life etc. on the home front my goals have to do with having a smooth transition into our new house; to get the garden started etc, etc. What are you main Resolutions you want to achieve in the coming months.

go to our website for more articles on how to achieve your goals, step by step. You can do it!!

Happy Organizing
Claire McFee
Organize Your Life Organizers

1 comment:

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Love this organizing into the new year, am trying but it is a constant thing. Great Post.