Sunday, 17 January 2010

Organizing Deferred Payment and a great discount on New Furniture

Boring to some but exciting to us at the moment, with tens of thousands of dollars going towards the final stages of building our house every cent saved at the moment makes a big difference. So exciting to only be a few months away from moving into the new house after all this time! (it's been 4 years since we bought the block.)

Anyway, there are some amazing Furniture sales on at the moment, so I of course organized myself a trip into town to check them out - for the best possible discount of course.

A couch/sofa was specifically what we were after on this shopping trip, so that meant using the Butt Test - as our lovely Harvey Norman Salesman jokingly referred to it as! We sat in lots of couches and one couch surpassed all others in 'butt comfort'. A beautiful dark brown leather couch you could easily fall asleep in - Bliss.

Next thing was taking advantage of the finance packages on offer. Due to lower cash flow while Neil has been working on the house and huge expenses building the house -not having to dip into the house mortgage sounded pretty good. We were able to get an amazing deferred payment plan with where apart from a small monthly account keeping fee and set up charge, we don't have to pay a cent for ...wait for it... 33 months!!! Sounds too good to be true I know, but we have actually done this once before about 15 years ago when we were first starting out and it is all ligit.

As long as you pay the loan / deferred amount in full by the end of that time, you can save a fortune. If you don't pay the full payment out at the end, by being organized enough with your money and budgeting for the upcoming expense, that is when you get hit with exorbitant interest charges.

That said if careful it is a great way to buy items but not have to outlay for them upfront. I love it!!

Oh and I was also able to get another 5% discount off the 20% already being offered which is always a huge bonus with bug purchases. My husband really wanted an ottoman to put his feet up at the end of a long day and I really wanted a single armchair to curl up with a book in a sunlit corner but the price was ending up to more than we had budgeted, so I simply told the salesman that those two items weren't definite yet.

I said nicely :) - "Let me know if you can do a slightly better deal and I might be able to still buy it all"...So he went to the head boss and came back saying ok. So that was another huge win. the lesson here is that it can't hurt to ask - even when an item is already on sale. Have an organized approach to this and plan out what you are going to say before hand as this usually pays off.

So if you are in the market for some new household items try these shopping budget tips to get the best bargain and value for you dollar!

Claire McFee Author & Founder
Organize Your Life Organizers

For more tips on money budgeting work etc go to this article at Organize Your Life

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